- 食尸葬funeral of eating the corpse
- 葬甲科Silphidae; carrion beetles
- 浅论我国西南少数民族的食尸葬礼仪The Funeral Rites of Eating Corpses in Ethnic Minorities of South-west China
- 亚洲Asia
- 关于毁尸葬、毁器葬、焚物葬的文化思考On Culture of Funeral Rites of Demolishing Corpse and Vessels and Burning Articles
- 尸corpse
- 亚洲人Asiatic
- 苯甲benzoylate
- 亚洲的Hamito-Semitic
- 意甲Division A League Football Matches of Italy
- 葬bury (the dead)
- 二甲lumichrome
- 亚洲国家Asian country
- 行尸走肉an utterly useless person
- 甲酯methyl ester
- 尸检postmortem examination
- 亚洲金融危机financial crisis in Asia
- 二甲基甲酰胺dimethylformamide
- 甲硝唑metronidazole
- 停尸房morgue