- 国际社会有感于需要加强亚洲与欧洲的联系,因而倡议召开亚欧首脑会议。The initiative for the ASEM Summits grew from the recognized need to strengthen the linkage between Asia and Europe.
- 在芬兰的赫尔辛基,领导人在38国亚欧首脑峰会上默哀2分钟。In Helsinki, Finland, leaders attending the38- nation Asia-Euro summit observed two minutes of silence.
- 本次中欧首脑会议重点集中在贸易和投资工作。The EU-China summit had a strong focus on trade and investment work.
- 本次在北京成功召开的第八次中欧首脑会议充分地增进了这种关系。The successful EU-China summit in Beijing in September developed the relationship substantially.
- 第七届亚欧首脑会议the Seventh Asia Europe Meeting
- 论日欧首脑外交On Diplomatic Activities between the Heads of European Countries and That of Japan
- 亚欧高官会议SOM ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting
- 亚欧化Asianization and Europeanization
- 亚欧会议高官会ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting
- 亚欧型Euroasiatic serotype
- 欧洲所有的重大问题都拿到在日内瓦召开的首脑会议上讨论。All the big European questions were taken up by the summit conference at Geneva.
- 亚欧物流Asian and European logistics
- 该代表团最后强调WIPO与信息社会首脑会议后续工作相协调的重要性。The Delegation concluded by asserting the importance of WIPO being associated in the follow-up work to the World Summit on the Information Society.
- 亚欧多刺的灌木的属;金雀花。genus of Eurasian spiny shrubs: gorse.
- 筹备可持续发展世界首脑会议的政治进程涉及一项以淡水为优先事项的全面议程。The political process surrounding preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development involves a comprehensive agenda, for which freshwater is a priority.
- 亚欧大战略overall strategies for Asia and Europe
- 参加此次埃维昂八国首脑会议的各位世界强国的国家首脑们并非都只是辛苦的工作。It wasn't all hard work at the G8 summit of the world's most powerful leaders.
- 亚欧财长副手会议ASEM Finance Deputies' Meeting
- 长有黄花和气泡豆荚的亚欧灌木的小的属。small genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods.
- 亚欧高等教育合作EU-Asia higher education cooperation