- 第八届亚欧峰会沿袭了去年九月在赫尔辛基举行的的峰会,双方都承诺扩大合作.The8 th Asia-Europe meeting follows a summit in Helsinki last September as both sides are vowed to expand cooperation.
- 预计这一合作事宜将在今天的中欧峰会上宣布,鉴于它能帮助削减中国排放的二氧化碳,因而意义重大。The announcement, expected to come from the EU-China summit today, is significant as it could help cut the carbon dioxide produced by China.
- 亚欧化Asianization and Europeanization
- 峰会summit
- 亚欧型Euroasiatic serotype
- 文化领域的交往不断发展,促进了亚欧文明的相互学习。The ever-growing exchange in the cultural field has promoted the mutual learning between Asian and European cultures.
- 亚欧物流Asian and European logistics
- 亚欧对话Asian-European dialogue
- 文化领域的交往不断发展,促进了亚欧文明的相互学习;The ever-growing exchange in the cultural field has promoted the mutual learning between Asian and European cultures.
- 亚欧展望小组AEVG Asia-Europe Vision Group
- 亚欧工商大会Asia-Europe Business Conference
- 亚欧高官会议SOM ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting
- 亚欧合作框架Asia-Europe Cooperation Framework
- 亚欧工商论坛Asia-Europe Business Forum
- 亚欧投资专家组IEG ASEM Investment Experts' Group
- 亚欧合作理事会Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation
- 亚欧会议高官会ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting
- 亚欧财长副手会议ASEM Finance Deputies' Meeting
- 亚欧会议后续行动ASEM Follow-up Activities
- 亚欧中小企业大会Asia-Europe Small and Medium-Sized Enterpriseconference