- 乔治亚州Georgia
- 美元U.S. dollar (US)
- 他于一九二九年一月十五日出生在乔治亚州的亚特兰大市。He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January15,1929.
- 在南达科他和乔治亚州之间的半路上,一定有一个我们可以碰头的湖或旅游客栈。There must be some lake or lodge halfway between South Dakota and Georgia where we could meet.
- 州的state
- 亚健康subhealthy
- 宾夕凡尼亚州Pennsylvania
- 美国乔治亚州大学富兰克林艺术和科学学校人工智能中心。The Artificial Intelligence Center is an interdepartmental research and instructional center within the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Georgia. Strengths include logic prog.
- 乔治亚州人Georgian
- 产自美国东部缅因州至俄亥俄州和乔治亚州。closely related to southern arrow wood; the eastern United States Maine to Ohio and Georgia.
- 加里福尼亚州Californai
- [美]乔治亚州的别名the C-State
- 生长在乔治亚州的甜味洋葱。sweet-flavored onion grown in Georgia.
- 美国乔治亚州州名Ga.
- 乔治亚州戴德县的卖主在展示她的货物。Vendor Shirley Pinion displays her wares in Dade County, Ga.
- 乔治亚州自然资源部Georgia Department Of Natural Resources
- 乔治亚州技术研究所NIST--National Institute of Standards and Technology
- 亚州甲型流感活疫苗Vaceinum Influenzae Vivum
- 身体挺直;乔治亚州笔挺地坐着。the body was rigidly erect; ge sat bolt upright.
- 美国乔治亚州生物医药组织Georgia Biosciences Partnership (GBP)