- 如果还实现了容错措施,例如服务器级硬件、高级存储解决方案以及服务冗余,则甚至能够获得五个九。It is even possible to achieve five nines if you also implement fault tolerant measures, such as server-class hardware, advanced storage solutions, and service redundancy.
- 获得五个九(99.999%)对于一台服务器是不切实际的,因为此级别的可用性只允许每个日历年有约五分钟的停机时间。Achieving five nines (99.999 percent) is unrealistic for a single server because this level of availability allows for approximately five minutes of downtime per calendar year.
- 十一个九(表示纯度用语)eleven nine
- 五个five
- 可不是,取消星期日加工,已经是工钱上打了个九折The stopping of Sunday overtime is already as good as a ten per cent wage-cut
- 但是,通过实现带自动故障转移功能的容错群集,可以达到四个九(99.99%)。However, by implementing fault tolerant clusters with automatic failover capabilities, four nines (99.99 percent) is achievable.
- "在这种糟糕的天气情况下我们花了五个小时到达了那里,这种速度确是很快的了。""We arrived there in five hours under such bad weather, which was really good going."
- "有一位医生听说她每天给我读五个小时的书,非常震惊。A doctor was shocked when he heard that she read to me five or more hours every day.
- 她是有五个孩子的母亲。She is a mother of five children.
- 她怀孕已经五个月了。She is five months pregnant.
- 那个大房间被分隔成五个办公室。The large room was partitioned into five offices.
- 花了五个礼拜走完全部旅程。The journey was accomplished in five weeks.
- 车床由五个重要部件组成。A lathe consists of five important parts.
- 可坐五个人to sit five people
- 有五个人在她的监督之下。There are five people under her supervision.
- 我们给了这五个孩子每人均等的一份。We gave each of the five children an equal share.
- 他挑起赡养妻子和五个孩子的担子。He was saddled with a wife and five children.
- 可否要五个呢?Could I have five?
- 他需要赡养妻子和五个孩子。He has a wife and five children to provide for.
- 那车能舒舒服服地坐五个人。The car will sit five people comfortably.