- 互mutual
- 怼dislike
- 怨怼resentment; enmity
- 互感mutual inductance
- 互译intertranslation
- 一条鲨鱼游左过去,食晒??咳猓?5驼嬲??九肌V?篥栌阒僖豢谕套?谔怼Some sharks swam over.They ate up all the flesh off the donkey and left the puppet,which was the real Pinocchio.After that,a big shark swallowed him.
- 互赠giff-gaff
- 信心、诚实、耐力、勇敢,都是创业的资本;等待、拖延、迁怒、怨怼,则是失败的根本。Faith, honesty, patience, and courage bring success to a new business. Waiting, procrastinating, hatred, and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business.
- 互锁interlock
- 宽恕犹如一项重要的求生技能,帮助你一片误解、痛苦、怨怼、与憎恨的狂乱中,理出方向。Think of forgiveness as a powerful survival skill. It helps you find your way through the wilderness of understanding, hurt, resentment, and hatred.
- 互操作interoperate
- 原谅她吗?没有什么需要原谅的。她只想逃避属于她的孤独。她所给予我的,却让我能够生存下?怼?Forgiven her? There was nothing to forgive. She was trying to escape from her own particular solitude. She gave me just enough to survive.
- 互调intermodulation
- 仇结的怨怼,因忏悔而解除无明的嫉妒,因忏悔而包容怠惰的放逸,因忏悔而勇猛无尽的热恼,因忏悔而清凉。Hatred is purged through repentance. Jealousy becomes magnanimity through repentance. Laziness becomes courage through repentance. Endless defilement ceases through repentance.
- 互生mutualism
- 报纸报导,顾客先接受全身去角质,浸泡在有300喷射管的水疗池内,再用具淋巴排毒效果的高压水管喷?(4)?怼They then undergo a full body exfoliation and a soak in a 300-jet spa tub before being sprayed down with a high-pressure hose used for lymphatic drainage, the newspaper said.
- 他们热情地互致问候。They greeted each other warmly.
- 互操作性interoperability
- 可互译的intertranslatable
- 军官们互致敬礼。The officers exchanged salutes.