- 茶云纹叶枯病原菌CoUetotriehum camellia
- 竹织叶野螟Algedonia coclesalis
- 棉卷叶野螟Haritalodes derogata
- 棉大卷叶野螟Syllepte derogate Fabricius
- 拟菱纹叶蝉属Hishimonoides
- 竹织叶野螟生活习性及其防治研究Study on the Growing Habit of Wild Borer and its Control
- 凹缘菱纹叶蝉Hishimonus sellatus
- 云纹moiré
- 云纹纸marble paper
- 沪郊曲纹叶甲消长规律及对空心莲子草作用效果的初步观察A PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION FOR POPULATION DYNAMIC OF Agasicles hyyropila selman et VOGT AND ITS CONTROL EFFECT ON Alligator altenanthera IN THE SUBURB OF SHANGHAI
- 豆野螟Maruca vitrata
- 云纹大理石cloudy marble.
- 野螟科Pyraustidae
- [医] 窄叶野碗豆Vicia angustifolia L.
- 丝云纹绸moire of noil silk
- 黄野螟lepidoptera insect
- 斑驳状云纹状mottlement
- 皱叶野荞麦Fagopyrum crispatifolium J. L. Liu
- 云纹布watering cloth
- 柞褐野螟Sybrida fasciata Butler