- 多云cloudy
- 笈trunks (for books)
- 秘笈rare book
- 云的cloudy
- 片云cloudlet
- 云吞Wanton
- 负笈carry a case of books
- 朵云cloudlet
- 负笈远游study in a place for away from home
- 多云的nubilous
- 笈多the Gupta
- 晴转多云clear to cloudy
- 地笈法feudale jus
- 云顶cloud top
- 管理秘笈rare book in the management
- 云区cloud land
- 笈多时期Gupta period
- 云浮Yunfu
- 负笈求师carry one's suitcase and go abroad as a student to seek a teacher
- 卷云cirrus cloud