- 多云cloudy
- 云的cloudy
- 片云cloudlet
- 他午餐吃了一盘牛肉。He had a plate of beef for lunch.
- 他的秘书将他的信件放到收文盘内。His secretary put his mail in his in tray.
- 云吞Wanton
- 朵云cloudlet
- 昨天他下了一盘十分出色的棋。He played a mean game of chess yesterday.
- 多云的nubilous
- 我吃了一盘蔬菜。I had a dish of greens.
- 那部电影的一盘胶带找不到了。A reel of the movie is missing.
- 晴转多云clear to cloudy
- 劳拉把头发盘在脑后。Laura coiled her hair at the back of her head.
- 云顶cloud top
- 她给我拿来一盘茶和三明治。She brought me a tray of tea and sandwiches.
- 云区cloud land
- 猴子有能盘卷住东西的尾巴。A monkey has a prehensile tail.
- 云浮Yunfu
- 木制浅盘上放着五种乳酪。There were five kinds of cheese on a wooden platter.
- 卷云cirrus cloud