- 云杉八齿小蠹Ips typographus
- 最初在英国由喇叭狗和小猎犬杂交而得一种短毛小猎犬。short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers.
- 黑头粉刺在带毛小囊内由角朊和脂肪组成的粉刺,表面呈黑色A plug of keratin and sebum within a hair follicle that is blackened at the surface.
- 丘北县云南松林区应用杀螟丹治理松小蠹的示范效果初报Preliminary Report on Demonstration Effect of Tomicus piniperda Management by Using Cartap hydrochloride in Yunnan Pine Forest of Qiubei County
- 小的less
- 我带了一条爱尔兰长毛小猎狗顺那条路,I took the young Irish setter for a little walk up the road
- 打孔滴注树虫净防治纵坑切梢小蠹试验Experimentation of Controlling Tomicus piniperda by Stem Injection of Tree Pest Killer
- 昆明种无毛小鼠近交培育及其生物学特性的研究The inbreeding of mutant hairless KM mice and its biological properties
- 四川地区云南松切梢小蠹监测技术研究A Study on monitoring of pine shoot beetles in Sichuan
- 毛小皮hair cuticle
- 云南松饵木、活立木林间引诱松小蠹的试验Tomicus piniperda Trapping in Damaged Pinus yunnanensis Stands by Trap Log and Living Tree
- 无毛小鼠hairless mouse
- 火地塘生态定位站不同植物群落与小蠹类群多样性Studies on diversity of plants and coniferous bark beetles in different plant communities in Huoditang located ecosystem station
- 棘毛小膜cirromembranelle(动)
- 小蠹bark beetle
- 在我五岁的时候,我父亲花了五毛钱,替我买了一头黄毛小狗。When I was five years old, my father bought a little yellow-haired pup for fifty cents.
- 枝小蠹twig beetle
- 毛小皮印痕hair cuticle print
- 榆小蠹elm bark beetle
- 被微毛小泡fuzzy vesicle