- 多云cloudy
- 云的cloudy
- 他用水晶酒杯喝酒。He drank from a crystal wine glass.
- 片云cloudlet
- 云吞Wanton
- 喝酒是他克制不住的欲望。Drinking is a compulsion with him.
- 朵云cloudlet
- 他每天晚上出去喝酒。He went out drinking night after night.
- 多云的nubilous
- 安妮又在喝酒了。Ann is on the bottle again.
- 晴转多云clear to cloudy
- 店主免费请我们喝酒.The landlord gave us a drink on the house.
- 云顶cloud top
- 你喝不喝酒?Do you drink wine?
- 云区cloud land
- 我午餐时通常不喝酒。I don't normally drink at lunch.
- 云浮Yunfu
- 你正在喝酒吗?Are you imbibing?
- 卷云cirrus cloud
- 我请他喝酒,但他未作回答。I offered him a drink but he didn't respond.