- 基表结构依赖于非聚集索引的结构。The base table structure is not dependent on the structure of a nonclustered index.
- 随后的3个夏季她就在纽约度过,就学于非百老汇舞蹈中心和职业表演艺术学校。She spent the next three summers in the Big Apple studying at the off Broadway Dance Center and at the Professional Performing Arts School.
- 就是极性阻碍你在物质层持有某件事物,而于非物质层却相反。It is polarity that locks one into having one thing in the physical and its opposite in the nonphysical.
- 视网膜神经上皮下CNV多发生于非AMD患者及病程早期的AMD患者。Subsensory retina CNV mainly occur in non-exudative AMD cases and AMD cases with short course.
- 描述性查询语言KBL是DATALOG针对于非一范式关系模型的扩充。The declarative query language KBL is an extended Datalog, which is adaptable to non-first normal form relation model.
- 恐怖平衡将会结束吗?它将结束于非恐怖平衡,还是失去平衡的恐怖?(爱德华 泰勒)Will the balance of terror ever end?Will it end in a balance free from terror, or a terror lacking all balance&b{Edward Teller)
- 恐怖平衡将会结束吗?它将结束于非恐怖平衡,还是失去平衡的恐怖?(b爱德华 泰勒)Will the balance of terror ever end?Will it end in a balance free from terror, or a terror lacking all balance(bEdward Teller)
- 进一步的分析表明 :涡动通量项不仅依赖于非对称流的强度 ,还取决于非对称流型。Further analysis shows that the eddy flux is not only associated with the quantity of asymmetric momentum, but also depends on the streamline pattern.
- “恐怖平衡将会结束吗?它将结束于非恐怖平衡,还是失去平衡的恐怖?”(爱德华·泰勒)"Will the balance of terror ever end? Will it end in a balance free from terror, or a terror lacking all balance?" (Edward Teller)
- 该两项计划的目的,是让符合资格而有上进心的合适犯人,可在监管下、于非禁闭的环境服满余下刑期。Both schemes aim at enabling suitable, eligible and motivated prisoners to serve their sentences in an open environment with supervision.
- 在玻恩近似下,建立了高能电子与原子、离于非弹性碰撞过程的相对论性理论计算方法,并以类Li等电子系列为例,阐明了电子与原子、离子非弹性碰撞过程的相对论效应.Based on relativistic Born approximation theory, we have calculated the relati-vistic and non-relativistic generalized oscillator strengthes (GOS) of the Li-liks iso-electron sequence.
- 历史与现实告诉我们,权力的获得与效用在相当程度上决定于非权力性影响的制 约,只有把权力性影响力与非权力性影响力有机地组合,充分地发挥,才能更好地行使人民赋予的权力。History and reality tell us that non-power influence,in a sense,contains the obtaining and effect of power. It is obviously more effective to carry out public power by com- bining the two.