- 二two
- 豆bean
- 圆二色Circular dichroism
- 棘豆属植物的危害性及其控制对策初探Primary study on the harmfulness of Oxytropis and its control strategy
- 二色于图bichromatic subgraph
- 宁夏山地草场毒草黄花棘豆及其防治途径An Investigation on Mountain Pasture's Poisonous Plant - Oxytropis ochrocephala in Ningxia
- 圆二色法circular dichroism
- 青海环湖高寒草地黄花棘豆锈病的初步研究The preliminary research on Oxytropis ochrocephala rust in alpine meadow around Qinghai lake
- 二色模型dichromatic reflection model
- 棘豆属植物化学成分和药理作用的研究进展Advances in the Research of Chemical Constituents and Pharmacology of Oxytropis
- 园二色谱Circular dichroism spectra
- 土壤种子库中棘豆属种子的密度、寿命和活力测定Determination of Density, Longevity and Viability of Oxytropis Seeds in Soil Seed Bank
- 亚倍体的有一组染色体,只有几个染色体比正常的二色染色体少Having a chromosome number lower by only a few chromosomes than the normal diploid number.
- [医] 棘豆属Oxytropis DC.
- 应用圆二色光谱研究电场对辣根过氧化物酶二级结构的影响Study on the Effect of Electric Field on the Secondary Structure of HRP by Circular Dichroism
- 灭棘豆Miejidou
- 二色性染料dichroic dye
- 棘豆组Sect. Oxytropis
- 二色胡枝子Lespedeza bicolor
- 甘肃棘豆生物碱对小鼠外周血免疫细胞活性及数量的影响Effect of alkaloid abstracted from Oxytropis kansuensis upon immunological cell competence and count in peripheral blood from mice