- 因此,石头烧成了铭品火锅的一大特色,让食客可以美味与健康二者兼得。This stone grill is the center piece of the Mingpin restaurant.
- 鱼与熊掌兼得Have it both ways; have your cake and eat it
- 联想渠道改革:鱼与熊掌能 否兼得?Lenovo Revamping its Sale Channels
- 亨利举棋不定:是上大学读书呢还是找份全日制工作做呢?两者不可兼得呀。Henry can't make up his mind whether to go to college or get a full-time job. You can't eat your cake and have it too.
- 二者不可偏废。Neither should be overemphasized at the expense of the other.
- 别抱怨你假期花钱太多,你倒是玩得痛快。鱼与熊掌不可兼得嘛。Don't grumble about your expensive holiday, you had great fun. You can't eat your cake and have it, too.
- 二者大小相似。They resemble each other in size.
- 你可以把钱拿去度假或者买一个新录音机,但你无法鱼与熊掌兼得。You can either spend the money on holiday or buy a new recorder,but you can't have you cake and eat it.
- 区分二者之间的不同to separate out one from another
- 如果你把钱全部花在买衣服上,你就没有钱在周末去看电影了。你不可能两者兼得!If you spend all your money on clothes you won't be able to go to the cinema at the weekend-you can't have your cake and eat it!
- 在二者间举棋不定to shake between the two
- 玛丽想买她在店里见到的美丽的衣服,更想把生日礼金存起来参加露营,她想鱼与熊掌兼得。Mary wants to buy a beautiful dress she saw at the store, but she also wants to save her birthday money for camp.She wants to eat her cake and have it, too.
- 在二者之间摇摆不定to seesaw between the two
- 二者不能截然分开。No hard and fast line can be drawn between the two.
- 聪明,具创作力,记意力强且好学不倦,表面合群,但内心潜藏优越感,个人至上,才华与财富均能两者兼得。Clever and innovative, a fast learner with good memory. She knows social skills well but can be selfish and egoistic. She is also unbeatable in terms of talent and wealth.
- 二者必居其一。It must be one or the other.
- 把二者混为一谈,无疑是很不适当的。It is undoubtedly inappropriate to mix the two up.
- 我认为二者都在起作用。I think a combination of both was at play.
- 你的答卷不能与他人雷同,否则二者均以零分计为不及格。Your paper must NOT read with the same words as anyone else's paper. If so, both papers will be disqualified with a grade of zero.
- 坦克,是矛盾二者结合为一的新式武器。The tank is a new weapon combining the functions of both spear and shield.