- 欧盟二氧化碳排放权供过于求Permit glut undermines EU carbon scheme
- 排放强度Emission intensity
- 二氧化碳排放权价格昨日出人意料地上涨。Carbon dioxide prices rose unexpectedly yesterday after the European Union revealed that a serious oversupply of permits to pollute had undermined its fledgling scheme to combatclimate change.
- COD排放强度COD emissions intensity
- 碳排放强度carbon dioxide emissions intensity
- 污染排放强度pollution emission intensity
- 强度intensity
- 2056年接力棒要移交给下一代,接下来的马拉松赛难度更高:要在2106年前将二氧化碳排放速度减少一半。The baton will then pass in 2056 to a new generation for the next and possibly harder part of the marathon: cutting the rate of CO2 emissions in half by 2106.
- 污染现状、排放强度地理分布及趋势预测Present Situation and Geographical Distribution of Emission Intensity of Sulfur Dioxide and Trend in Hunan Province
- 阿萨多利安说,这份报告的主题是,二氧化碳排放及其它生态灾难引起气候变化,“不可持续”的消费模式才是气候变化的罪魁祸首。Assadourian said the key message of the report was that unsustainable consumption patterns were responsible for climate change linked to carbon emissions and other ecological woes.
- 高强度high strength
- 抗拉强度intensity of tension
- 阿尔斯通拥有全面的技术,能够适用于各种主要能源形式(煤炭、天然气、核电、燃油、水电和风电),并且环保技术全球领先(减少二氧化碳排放、减少氮氧化物排放等等)。Alstom works with all energy forms (coal, gas, nuclear, fuel-oil, hydropower, wind) and is a leader in environmental protection (reduction of CO2 emissions, reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions.).
- 屈服强度proof stress
- 抗压强度pressive strength
- 拉伸强度tensile-strength
- 污染物排放强度pollutants emission intensity
- 磁场强度magnetic density
- 旧街道的中央有一条沟渠来排放雨水。There's a channel in the middle of the old street to help rainwater flow away.
- 工作强度power of work