- 冰冻freeze
- 头子(n) boss, gang leader
- 冰冻的frigorific
- 二氧化碳冰头子freezing attachment for CO2[切片机用]
- 冰冻切片frozen section
- 二氧化碳有碍氧气释入组织。Carbon dioxide interferes with the liberation of oxygen to the tissues.
- 碳是元素,而二氧化碳是化合物。Carbon is an element, while carbon dioxide is a compound.
- 塑胶封袋用来装冰冻或蒸干食物的密封的塑料或箔制容器A sealed plastic or foil container used in packaging frozen or dehydrated food.
- 警方拘捕了几个不重要的罪犯,但仍在寻找他们的头子。The police had caught many of the important criminals, but they were still looking for Mr Big.
- 二氧化碳与农业carbon dioxide and agriculture
- 接头子connecting terminal
- 在冰冻的道路撒上砂石to scatter gravel on an icy road
- 我们每天吸进氧气,呼出二氧化碳。We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide every day.
- 油头子journal zerk nipple
- 冰冻路上的汽车事故Car accidents on icy roads.
- 二氧化碳由肺排出。The carbon dioxide is expelled by the lungs.
- 特务头子[法] spy-master
- 被冰冻盖glaciate
- 植物需要阳光使二氧化碳和水变成糖。A plant needs sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar.
- 头子|首要人物tongue of the trump