- 二two
- 芦荟提取物对烫伤大鼠创面组织一氧化氮及内皮素含量的影响The effects of aloe extract on nitric oxide and endothelin levels in deep-partial thickness burn wound tissue in rat
- 二歧dichotomy
- 二歧式dichotomy
- 采用原子吸收分光光度法测定芦荟叶片中的镁含量,从而间接计算出花叶中叶绿素的含量。An atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for determination of magnesium in aloe was described, and the content of chlorophyll was calculated indirectly.
- 芦荟aloe
- 二歧聚伞花序dichasium
- 你肯定会希望,你的生产商在他们自己的地里种植自己的芦荟。You want a manufacturer who grows their own Aloe Vera in their own fields.
- 蝎尾状二歧分枝式scorpioid dichotomy
- 两种方法提取芦荟花中挥发性化学成分的气相色谱-质谱分析Study on Volatile Constituents of the Flowers From Aloe Vera. By Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- 蝎尾状二歧式cincinnal dichotomy
- 分光光度法-比色法对芦荟乙醇提取液脱苦前后总蒽醌含量比较的研究Content Comparisons of the Total Anthraquinone in the Alcohol Extractive of Aloe Before and After Debittering by Speetropho tometer-chromatometry
- 中国珍稀濒危植物东方水韭二歧根的发育Dichotomous Root Development in Isoetes orientalis, a Rare and Endangered Quillwort in China
- 芦荟是百合科植物。The aloe is a liliaceous plant.
- 二歧根dichotomous root
- 盐和水分胁迫对海蓬子、芦荟、向日葵幼苗生长及其离子吸收分配的效应Effects of salt and water stresses on growth and ionic absorption and distribution in Salicornia europaea, Aloe vera and Helianthus annuus seedlings
- 二歧的dichotomal
- 方法:采用薄层层析法对供试品中姜黄素,大黄酸,大黄素,大黄酚和芦荟大黄素进行了鉴别;METHODS TLC was used to identify curcumin, rhein, emodin, chrysophanol and aloe-emodin.
- 二歧碱dichotamine
- 为何芦荟精华素需要加入防腐剂?Why does Aloe Vera Juice need preservatives?