- 二层交换机中MAC地址的学习、查找和老化方法Studying Finding and Aging the MAC Address in the two-layer Switch
- OAM扩展的功能主要是为一些二层交换机协议的实现以及用户端设备测试等功能提供了必要的接口。The function of the Extended OAM procotol is to provide the interface for developping most of the second layer protocol and equipment test on switch.
- 二two
- 层layer
- 多层交换机的生命力依赖于支持的协议。The viability of multilayer switches depends on the protocol supported.
- 浅析三层交换机技术The Research of the Three-layer Switch
- 三层交换机替代路由器的思考Substitutes of Switchboards as Router
- 二层楼(British) first floor; (American) second floor
- 二层舱煤舱tween deck bunker
- LT-501三层交换机系统结构设计LT-501 IP Switch Hardware Architecture
- 二层舱吨位tween deck tonnage
- 第二代第3层交换机增加了先进的硅技术,大大地提高了整体性能。Second-generation Layer 3 switches added advanced silicon technology to boost overall performance dramatically.
- 牛二层cattle split leather
- 三层交换机中DHCP中继代理的改进与实现Improvement and Implementation of DHCP Relay Agent in Layer 3 Switch
- 二层革splitting leather
- 这些新型的第3层交换机支持千兆以太网的速度和提供高速路由。These new Layer 3 switches support Gigabit Ethernet speeds and provide wire-speed routing.
- 二层炉two floor kiln
- 通过加快IP包的转发,常规的第3层和第4层交换机大大地改善了网络性能。By speeding IP packet forwarding, conventional Layer 3 and Layer 4 switches have greatly improved network performance.
- 二层舱between decks
- 二层网2 Lever network