- 星宿constellation
- 星宿月nakshatra month
- 星宿菜Lysimachia fortunei
- 二十八脉twenty-eight kinds of pulse condition
- 星宿一Alphard
- 二十八基octacosyl
- 星宿仪astroscope
- 二十八酸octacosanoic acid
- 二十八种28-kind
- 他是个坏星宿。He's a stormy petrel.
- 二十八会twelve-eight convergences
- 日月昏暗,星宿无光。The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine.
- 二十八醛octacosanal
- 星宿一(位于大熊座)Alphard
- 二十八醇octacosanol
- 一颗流星,横穿苍龙星宿。A meteor flew across the Draco.
- 二十八调twenty eight tones
- 第七重环形天和第八层星宿天The Seventh Circle and the Eighth Heaven
- 今年基建投资继续增加,二十八个重点在建项目进展顺利。The investment in infrastructure construction continuously increases, and 28 key projects currently under construction are progressing smoothly
- 请于我们的天文馆圆顶下探索星宿与夜空。Explore constellations and the nighttime sky under our planetarium dome.