- 事故之后恢复知觉.recover/regain consciousness after an accident
- 他事故之后恢复得非常好。He has recovered from the accident remarkably well.
- 攀登之后恢复体力.recuperate one's strength after a climb
- 他从发生事故之后,一直在医院。He's been in hospital since his accident.
- 当他恢复知觉时感到晕头转向,不确知他是怎么到那儿的。When he regained consciousness he was disoriented and not sure how he had gotten there.
- 事故之后,他被担架抬走了。He was carried away by ambulance, after the accident.
- 康复期,在患病之后恢复健康所需的时期the period needed for returning to health after illness
- 经历手术并摆脱麻醉醚的药效后,他现已完全恢复知觉。He is now fully conscious following the operation and the effects of the anaesthetic.
- 在遭受经济损失之后恢复元气recuperate after financial losses
- 事故之后他有几个星期失去记忆。He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident.
- 当他恢复知觉以后,只见轮椅倒在一边,却不见大卫的身影。When he came to, the wheelchair lay beside him, but David was nowhere to be seen.
- 失误之后恢复好的行为方式或不再表现恶劣。recover one's good manners after a lapse or stop behaving badly.
- 桥上发生了严重的汽车相撞事故。There was a serious motor smash on the bridge.
- 我尽了最大的努力恢复镇静。I did my best to regain my composure.
- 这位患者手术之后恢复的非常快。The patient made a speedy recovery from the operation.
- 艾姆斯深度知觉演示Ames demonstration
- 在两条道路的交叉点发生了一起事故。An accident happened at the meeting of two roads.
- 运动知觉motion perception
- 爆炸事故的罹难者于上周举行了葬礼。The victims of the explosion were buried last week.
- 她试图恢复她失去的身体的康健和轻柔。She tried to recover her lost fitness and suppleness.