- 事情就那样解决了.That settles the matter.
- 事实是,事情不像我们所希望的那样解决了。The fact is, things are not working out as we hoped.
- 让事情就那样吧Let the issue rest here.
- 我想很快事情就会解决了。兰帕德说他希望在下个赛季开始前搞定这件事,我们也是这样想的。I think it would be settled in the near future. Frank has said he wants it sorting before next season, and we want it sorting before next season.
- 他若想那样解决问题,无异缘木求鱼。He would be milking a bull if he tried to settle the problem that way.
- 浪漫小说中最不真实的事情就是:女主角总是嫁给了意中人,男主角总是娶到了心上人。The most unrealistic thing about romantic fiction is that the heroine always marries Mr Right and the hero always marries Miss Right.
- 我不想就那个节目再做争论了,我们意见不一致,那就那样好了。I don't want to argue any further about the performance; we disagree, so let't leave it at that.
- 莫利主观地认为,如果她去澳洲,她的问题就全解决了。Mollie got it into her head that her problems would cease to exist if she went to Australia.
- 过去的事情就算了forgive and forget
- 我只好坐下来等她,因为我不能就那样不作一点解释就一走了之。I had to sit down and wait for her because I could not just go off like that without explaining
- 他们互相作了让步,事情因此解决了。The matter was settled because they made mutual concessions.
- 我不想就那个节目再做争论了,我们意见不一致,那就那样好了。I do not want to argue any further about the performance,we disagree,so let us leave it at that.
- 他坦白了,于是整个事情就解决了。He confessed and that sewed the whole thing up.
- 同情危难之中的人们是很容易的,但亲自去为它做些实际事情就难了。It's easy to feel for people in need; it's harder to bring yourself to do something practical about it.
- 把一只小马驹就那样一直用铁链拴着真是太残忍了。It's so cruel to keep a pony chained up like that all the time.
- 正当我们认为事情已经妥善解决了时,彼得却气冲冲地闯了进来,声称投票违反了常规。Just when we thought we had the matter nicely settled in stormed peter claiming the that the vote was irregular.
- 事情就如你喜欢的那样。It is just as you like.
- 那样就解决了这一点。That disposes of the point.
- 那只是一时冲动,你知道吗,她就那样放弃了一切。It was just so impulsive. You know? She just threw everything away.
- 让汤姆在地板上睡,问题就这样解决了。The matter was resolved by making Tom sleep on the floor.