- 北欧国家主管森林事务部长Ministers Responsible for Forest Matters of the Nordic States
- 欧洲主管家庭事务部长会议;Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Family Affairs;
- 移民和在柬越南人事务部长Minister for immigration and affairs related to the presence of vietnamese in kampuchea
- 刚果外交、合作及法语事务部长Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Francophonie of Congo
- 边区开发和民族事务部长:登纽Minister of Development of Border Areas and National Races: thein Nyunt
- 太平洋各国青年事务部长区域会议;Regional Conference of Youth Ministers of the Pacific Community;
- 退役军人事务部长一职设立于1989年。the post of Secretary of Veterans Affairs was created in 1989.
- 总统事务部长:穆罕默德·侯赛因Minister of State for Presidential Affairs: Mohamed Hussain
- 然而,移民事务部长托尼·麦克纳尔蒂But Tony McNulty, immigration minister, said yesterday that no decision had been made
- 社会发展及体育部长兼主管回教事务部长Minister for Community Development and Sports, and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs
- 财政和经济事务部长:多米尼克·门迪Minister of Finance And Economic Affairs: Dominique Mendy
- 北方恢复和泰米尔事务部长:道格拉斯·德瓦南达Minister of North Rehabilitation and Tamil Affairs: Douglas Devananda
- 在访加期间,陈女士会见了卑诗省省长简嘉年及加拿大亚太事务部长陈卓愉。During her stay, Mrs Chan also met Premier Glen Clark and the Secretary of State for Asia Pacific, Mr Raymond Chan.
- 据南非水和林业事务部长认为,如果现有目标得以实现,到2008年每人都能得到干净水。If the present targets are met -according to the South African Minister for Water Affairs and Forestry - everyone will have clean water by 2008.
- 而现在,妇女们自由了,她们还在阿富汗新政府中占有一席之地。让我们欢迎新的妇女事务部长: 茜玛·萨玛尔博士!Today women are free,and are part of Afghanistan's new government,and we welcome the new Minister of Women's Affairs,Doctor Sima Samar.
- 儿童及家庭事务部长莱拉·达沃伊说:"这使2002年3月8日成了一个历史性的日子,成了争取平权史上的一个里程碑。"This makes March 8, 2002, a historic day, a milestone in the history of the fight for equality," said Children and Family Affairs Minister Laila Daavoey.
- 不过,加勒特因为在竞选中多次失言,结果把新增设的气候变化事务部长职位输给了马来西亚出生的华裔黄英贤女士。But Garrett lost the new portfolio of climate change minister to Malaysian-born Penny Wong after a series of gaffes during the campaign.
- 而现在,妇女们自由了,她们还在阿富汗新政府中占有一席之地。让我们欢迎新的妇女事务部长:茜玛·萨玛尔博士!Today women are free, and are part of Afghanistan's new government, and we welcome the new Minister of Women's Affairs, Doctor Sima Samar.
- 尽管这次邀请德国参与庆典的做法遭到了一些人的置疑,但法国退伍军人事务部长级代表哈姆拉维·梅卡舍拉解释说,是该翻开历史新篇章的时候了。Though this invitation to Germany was criticized by some, Hamlaoui Mekachera, French War Veterans Minister, said it is time to turn the page.