- 组合assemble
- 组合的combined
- 重新组合reset
- 排列组合permutation and combination
- 事业成功have a successful career
- 他想起了事业刚起步时所度过的那段极其困难的时期。He remembered a particularly bad patch struck at the beginning of his career.
- 投资组合investment portfolio
- 我想要艰苦地创一番事业。I want to hew out a career for myself.
- 组合式combined type
- 他们在事业上迈进了一大步。They have made a big step in their business.
- 组合数学combinatorics
- 促进人类进步事业advance the cause of human progress
- 组合件assembly (parts)
- 医疗事业medical industry
- 组合框combo box
- 他献身于谋求世界和平的事业。He was committed to the cause of world peace.
- 她愿为高尚的事业捐款。She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause.
- 产品组合product mix
- 他在年轻时艰苦地开创了一番事业。He hewed out a career for himself in his early years.
- 字母组合monogram