- 敌人天黑时攻打城池。The enemy assaulted the city as soon as it was dark.
- 我命你献出城池。I command you to surrender the city.
- 他们互相争夺奖杯。They vied with one another for the trophy.
- 最后公民们被迫把城池交给了征服者。At last the citizens were forced to render up their town to the conqueror.
- 城池修筑city construction
- 两队正在争夺奖杯。The two teams were disputing the cup.
- 争夺地位jostle for position
- 只有一门大炮,但你必须守卫好城池,加油!Only one artillery, but you must guard good rest and refueling!
- 争夺汽车市场joust for the auto market
- 这场争夺财富的斗争是带着个人之间强烈的仇恨进行的。The struggle for wealth was played out with much bitter personal hatred.
- 当着残暴的战争把铜像推翻,或内讧把城池荡成一片废墟When wasteful war shall statues overturn, And broils root out the work of masonry
- 他们是争夺同一个职位的敌手。They are rivals for the same office.
- 你们看,几千年来,那些封建皇帝的城池宫殿还不坚固吗?Think of the palaces of the feudal emperors over thousands of years,were they not powerful with their walls and moats?
- 再次,固守城池,坐以待毙;想到突围之时,为时已晚。Third, it had kept the city for too long a time and not held attack opportunities in time.
- 三个候选人在争夺总统的位子。Three candidates are contesting the presidency.
- 将有八匹马叁赛争夺奖杯。Eight horses will race for the cup.
- 今天请你们来一醉方休,从明天起全都戒酒,帮我守好城池。"Let's have an final drinking party today, and starting from tomorrow, we will quit drinking and concentrate on the job ( to guard the city )."
- 这个杀伤力更大,它可以击沉船只、点燃城池,一次性杀死许多人。The result could batter fortifications, sink ships, set cities on fire and kill enemies in hitherto unimagined numbers.
- 政客们正在拼命争夺财政大臣的那个席位。The vacant seat of the financial minister is hotly contested among politicians.
- 他确是要去争夺那奖品。He surely is go to fight for that prize.