- 乾旱缺雨的田地.fields thirsty for rain
- 植物由于缺雨,一棵棵枯萎而死了。The plants are dying off because there has been no rain.
- 雨下得很大,但是和我们担心的情况相反,我们的田地没被淹。The rain was heavy but, contrary to our fears, our fields were not flooded.
- 雨rain
- 乾旱drought
- 因缺雨,水库的水位降低了。The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir.
- 很多农民的田地是通过竹管从河流或湖泊中引水灌溉的。Many farmer's fields are irrigated by water brought from a river or lake through bamboo pipes.
- 雨的hyetal
- 生命力强,既耐乾旱又能抵抗潮溼,环境适应力强,春至夏季开花。Cuckoo tree blossoms between spring and summer.
- 乾male
- 老师让学生放学后回家的路上在农民的田地外停留一下。The teacher told his pupils to stay out of the farmer's fields on their way home after school.
- 由于缺雨,这块土地很干松。This stretch of land is dry and soft because the lack of rain here.
- 缺省default
- 下雨的rainy
- 乾旱使叶子枯萎了。The drought withered the leaves.
- 下雨rainy
- 非洲的乾旱沙漠the arid deserts of Africa
- 在一些降水量很少的国家里,农民必须灌溉他们的田地。In some countries in which there is very little rain at any time, the farmers have to irrigate their fields.
- 多雨的moist
- 黑河下游的额济纳绿洲极度乾旱,黑河是其唯一的水源。Egina Oasis in the low reaches of Heihe River is extremely arid, Heihe River is the only source of water.