- 乾旱持续了许多星期.Week after week the drought continued.
- 乾旱持续了许多星期。Week after week the drought continued.
- 干旱持续了许多星期。Week after week the drought continued.
- 亚历山大城在商业上和知识上的重要性,持续了许多世纪。The commercial and intellectual importance of Alexandria continued for many centuries.
- 乾旱drought
- 乾male
- 首先,没有啤酒桶。前面说过,我曾尝试做木桶,但怎么也做不好。我曾花了许多天、甚至许多星期、许多个月,结果还是没有成功。As first, casks to preserve it in, which was a thing, that as I have observ'd already, I cou'd never compass; no, though I spent not many days, but weeks, nay, months in attempting it, but to no purpose.
- 生命力强,既耐乾旱又能抵抗潮溼,环境适应力强,春至夏季开花。Cuckoo tree blossoms between spring and summer.
- 战斗持续了几个小时直到夜幕降临。The battle continued for several hours until darkness came on.
- 救援活动持续了三天。The rescue operation lasted three days.
- 飓风造成了许多船难。The hurricane caused many wrecks.
- 乾旱使叶子枯萎了。The drought withered the leaves.
- 他觉得很奇怪,她对一个“理想”居然比对他们许多星期以来第一次、仅有的一次见面这件事还要重视得多。It seemed to him queer that she should set more store by an "ideal" than by the fact that they had met for the first and only time in many weeks.
- 虽然气候十分凛冽,这种辛苦的搜索,持续了七天之久。Despite very severe weather, the arduous search was maintained for seven days.
- 非洲的乾旱沙漠the arid deserts of Africa
- 他觉得很奇怪,她对一个“理想”居然比对他们许多星期以来第一次、仅有的一次见面这件事还要重视得多。It seemed to him queer that she should set more store by an 'ideal'than by the fact that they had met for the first and only time in many weeks.
- 这种轻微精神分裂症状持续了整整半个小时,当我离开货架时竟然是两手空空。This little schizophrenic act went on for a solid half hour,after which I left the rack without any detergent at all.
- 黑河下游的额济纳绿洲极度乾旱,黑河是其唯一的水源。Egina Oasis in the low reaches of Heihe River is extremely arid, Heihe River is the only source of water.
- 现成的设备一般都更便宜,更可靠,因为它已经过了许多考验。Off-the-shelf equipment is usually cheaper, and more reliable because it's been tested so much.
- 暴风雨持续了一个星期。The storm persisted for a week.