- 别在意你兄弟说的话,他总是这样不假思索就乱说一气。Don't take any notice of what your brother says,he's always shooting from the hip without thinking first.
- 那是一桩漫无头绪的案件。人们只是乱说一气,我们给搞得稀里糊涂。The was an intricate case without a clue.People just spoke indiscreetly and we were completely flummoxed.
- 约翰乱说一气,我们搞不清他想说什么。John was muddling on,and we could not follow what he was trying to say.
- 那家外国通讯社对此事件的报导简直是乱说一通,牛头不对马嘴。That foreign news agency report hashed up the account of the accident.
- 不管你去哪里,不要对任何人讲。当别人问起你在哪里的时候,我就有机会天马行空乱说一气了。Always leave without telling anyone where you're going.It gives me a chance to be creative when someone asks where you are.
- 顺便说一下by the way ...
- 乱说一通rattle on; make irresponsible remarks
- 歹徒在绝望中向四周乱打一气。The ruffian laid about in desperation.
- 我再说一遍,我们不能承担这项任务。I repeat that we cannot undertake the task.
- 他把双手伸到箱子里去乱翻一气,并且嚷着要一块干净手绢。His hands plunged and rummaged in his trunk while he called for - a clean handkerchief
- 别旁敲侧击,简单明了地对我们说一说到底是什么意思!Don't beat about the bush so much, tell us plainly what you are driving it.
- 到处乱说此事to blabbermouth the story everywhere
- 要是他再说一遍,我会赤手空拳打死他。If he says that again I'll kill him with my bare hands!
- 你乱说,那个人没有120岁。You are full of prunes; that man's not 120 years old.
- 你的猫简直不可理喻。他总是到处跑,乱抓一气,也不听我的话。Your cat is simply impossible. He always runs around scratching things and does not listen to me.
- 我简单地说一说昨晚发生的事情来提醒你们一下。I will briefly pass over the events of last evening to refresh your memories.
- 随口乱说loose-tongued
- 她每说一句话,大家便报以哄堂大笑。Every new announcement of hers was greeted with shouts of laughter.
- 不要听你爸乱说。Don't listen to your fother.
- 但是随着AEP引发诸多争议,数个邦都在对教材乱改一气。But following the ruckus over the AEP,several states are tinkering with the course material.