- 一个能让被害者脚朝天在空中乱晃的咒语。Levicorpus Description: This charm will raise the victim up by its ankle and dangle them in mid air.
- 乱in confusion
- 乱伦incest
- 晃dazzle
- 乱码messy code
- 胡思乱想let one's imagination run away with one
- 一晃in a flash
- 乱的disorderly
- 乱说to make irresponsible remarks
- 晃晃shake from side to side
- 弄乱kerfuffle
- 汽车晃了一下,停住了。The bus stopped with a jerk.
- 乱弹thrum
- 乱扔leave about
- 乱花钱dip into one's purse
- 心乱如麻utterly confused and disconcerted
- 乱搞meddle
- 乱写to write without basis
- 迷乱confusion
- 乱斗rough-and-tumble