- 砖头和木板凌乱地到处散置在地上,像是被飓风吹落了一样。Bricks and boards were scattered in confusion on the ground every which way, just as they had fallen after the tornado.
- 书本凌乱地散置在地上.The books were scattered pell-mell over the floor.
- 书本凌乱地散置在地上。The books were scattered pell-mell over the floor.
- 凌乱地pell-mell
- 在地上on the ground
- 桌子上凌乱地堆着一堆书和报纸。There is a jumble of books and papers on the table.
- 安全地without accident
- 在压电直列喷油器,驱动器内置在喷油器体非常接近射流针。In a piezo inline injector, the actuator is built into the injector body very close to the jet needle.
- 主动地on one's own initiative
- 如果你把一根点燃的香烟掉在地上,就有可能引起火灾。If you drop a lighted cigarette, you could set off a fire.
- 文件都凌乱地摆放在那里。the files are in complete disorder.
- 从工程角度来看,把这些抽水站重置在中环以外并不可行。From an engineering perspective, it is not feasible to reprovision these pumping stations outside of Central.
- 地散磷Exporsan
- 那些书凌乱地放在桌子上。the house was a mess; she smoothed the mussiness of the bed.
- 帕特拆开电视机, 把零件散置在地毯上。Pat took apart the TV set and spread the bits all over the carpet.
- 她那被践踏的花朵一片片的躺在地上;草地被践踏得泥泞不堪。her trampled flowers lay crushed and broken; the grass was trodden and muddy.
- 地散磷除草剂bensulide
- 风刮得很大,我们不得不用绳索把大蓬车缚牢在地上,以免被风吹翻。There was such a gale blowing that we had to tie the caravan down to prevent it overturning.
- 我谨慎小心地游过杂乱无章的狭窄通道和凌乱地散布着杂物的空间。I swam cautiously through a confusion of narrow corridors and cluttered spaces.
- 听到命令后,人群开始慢慢地散去。After hearing the order the crowd began to trickle away.