- 书中分享坏处.Share the downside of your book.
- 书letter
- 你想要如何在年会中分享专长或是帮助筹备?How are you willing to share your talents and help out at the conference?
- 在许多文化中分享食物是一种交流的方式,友谊的信号或和平的宣告。In most cultures,the sharing of food is a kind of communion,an acknowledgment of friendship,or declaration of peace.
- 这本书中少了一页。There was a folio missing in the book.
- 柯达扫描工作站100只需很短的时间即可让您在办公室网络中分享文档。In just moments, share documents across your office network with the KODAK Scan Station 100.
- 在维基中分享你的文件。Share your documents in the wiki.
- 关于这个课题历来积累起来的知识在卷书中很好地体现出来。The accumulated knowledge which has been passed down on this subject is well presented in this volume.
- 他们从这笔交易中分享利润。They carved up the profit on the transaction.
- 负责质量检查的人应使书中印刷统一。Someone in charge of quality control should unify the printing with the fest of the book.
- 《战争于和平》是我读过的书中最长的一本。"War and Peace" is the longest book I've ever read.
- 他对这个问题很了解,因为他为此曾在一本书中查阅过。He knows it very well because he have stud it up in a book.
- 你在书中说人工智能和机器人技术缺少很重要的东西,这是什么意思?What do you mean when you say in your book that there's something vital missing from AI and robotics?
- 这本书中冗长而又乏味的部份几使人无法读下去。The longueur in this book make it almost unreadable.
- 她文章中的一部分是从我写的同一内容的书中(直接)搬来的。Part of her article is taken (straight) from my book on the subject.
- 辛克莱。刘易斯在他的生活中也像他的书中一样是个制造麻烦的人。Sinclair Lewis was stormy petrel in his life as in his books.
- 书中将收入更多材料,使它跟上发展。More material is to be included to bring the book up to date.
- 作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。The writer gets a 10%25 royalty on each copy sold of his book.
- 他在许多旧文件、旧书中找来找去,终于找到了那份遗失了将近十年的手稿。He poked about among many old papers and books and finally the manuscript that had been missing for nearly ten years.
- 除了电话薄之外,任何一本书中都可以找到猥亵性。Obscenity can be found in every book except the telephone directory.