- 乡village
- 饮鸩止渴a moment's relief or pleasure can bring endless suffering to come
- 西乡Xixiang
- 一饮而尽toss off
- 啜饮sip
- 希望之乡Promised Land
- 她又饮了一小口茶。She took another sip of her tea.
- 安乐乡lotus land
- 暴饮crapulence
- 乡愿indifferent and ambivalent attitude
- 他常饮白兰地。He tipples brandy.
- 乡人village people
- 我啜饮咖啡。I sipped at the coffee.
- 牛饮gulp
- 那些乡间房子美极了。Those rustic buildings were all as pretty as paint.
- 共饮hobnob
- 安逸乡lotusland
- 茶饮tea-drinking
- 这个乡镇沿着海湾伸展。The rural town stretched along the bay.
- 暴饮暴食而死die of a surfeit