- 小调minor
- 乡间country
- 乡间小路lane
- 她自个儿哼着小调。She was humming a tune to herself.
- 我在乡间度过了青少年时代。I spent my youth in the country.
- 教堂的晚餐聚会是乡间俱乐部的前身。The church supper is the grandfather of the country club.
- C 小调the key of C minor
- 旧习俗在乡间仍然流行。The old practice still prevails in the countryside.
- 从C大调转入到A小调to modulate from C major to A minor
- 他们将从市区搬到乡间去。They are moving out into the sticks.
- G 小调G minor
- 我们在风景秀丽的乡间漫游。We expatiated through the beautiful country.
- 小调音阶When I play a minor scale
- 别墅意大利的夏日房舍或者乡间别墅A summer or country house in Italy.
- 小调柔板Adagio in A Minor A
- 在春天,我渴重游乡间。In spring I yearn for the country again.
- 抒情小调Adagio in Minor by Yanni
- 大城小调Slow Dancing in the Big City
- 庄园,乡间邸宅乡下的田产或房子An estate or mansion in the country.
- 他演奏a小调。He plays in a minor.