- 工程系也好不到哪儿去!哦,你叫什么名字?Don't expect it to be any better here! What's your name, anyway?
- 我不认为英语水平很高的华人,其华语的基础往往极好,也不是华语基础差的,其英语往往也好不到哪儿去。Similarly, it is also baseless to say that those with a weak foundation in Chinese are usually unable to excel in English.
- 也不是华语基础差的,其英语往往也好不到哪儿去。It is also baseless to say that those with a weak foundation in Chinese are usually unable to excel in English.
- 可悲啊!和我想得一样,这边也好不到哪儿去。没人在意我,没人关心我。可悲啊!Pathetic! Just as I thought, no better from this side. Nobody minds. Nobody cares. Pathetic.
- 你也好不到哪里去,你这狗娘养的笨蛋。You are no better, you stupid S.O.B.
- 好不very; quite; so
- 她急急忙忙到哪儿去了?Where did she nip off to?
- 听你这么说,我再也好不起来了。那我干嘛来看你?C: So why am I coming in to see you? It sounds as if you are saying I will never be successful.
- "如果得不到更多的资金,我们就不得不关闭所有的分支办事处。""Unless we get more finance, we'll have to close the branch offices."
- 那也好,我看她准会搬走。Oh, well, I daresay she'll get out.
- 我每星期的钱都到哪儿去了是一个难解的问题。It's a puzzle where all my money goes each week.
- 他能参加此次会议,是最好不过的了。It is most desirable that he should attend the conference.
- "我的祖国,对也好、不对也好" 等于在说: "我的母亲,醉也好、不醉也好" 。"My country, right or wrong" is like saying, "My mother, drink or sober."
- 在决定他们应该到哪儿去度假的事情上,他没有多大发言权。He didn't have much say in deciding where they should spend their holiday.
- 有你这样的听众,真是再好不过了。It can not be better to have such a nice audience like you.
- (他来也好去也好,)那有什麽关系?What does it matter (whether he comes or goes)?
- 把所有的药放在孩子们拿不到的地方。Keep all medicines out of reach of children.
- 树木遮住了我们的视线,使我们看不到湖。Trees obstructed our view of the lake.
- 他从炕上蓦地惊起,冲她嚷道:“你到哪儿去?”Starting up from the kang,he shouted after her: Where are you off to?
- 算了,把它放一边算了,你这样做恐怕比这也好不了多少。No,just set it aside. I think you'll do more harm than good.