- 安娜·帕特里夏·查韦斯CHAVES, Ana Patricia
- 查韦斯:攻击布什并非个人行为。Chavez: Attacks on Bush not personal.
- 乌戈·纳瓦哈斯-莫格罗NAVAJAS-MOGRO, Hugo
- (详讯)查韦斯重新就任委内瑞拉总统Comprehensive report -- Chavez reclaims Venezuela's presidency
- 乌戈·萨吉尔·卡瓦列罗CABALLERO, Hugo Saguier
- 乌戈·查韦斯·弗里亚斯FRIAS, Hugo Chavez
- 但政变仅持续了两天,查韦斯于14日返回总统府,重新履行总统职责。However, the coup lasted only two days. Chavez returned to the presidential palace on the 14th and resumed his duties as a president.
- 乌戈·塞万提斯·德尔里奥CERVANTES del Rio, Hugo
- 拉美左派领导人代表乌戈·查韦斯Representative of Latin-American Leftist Leaders Hugo Chavez
- 委内瑞拉今年4月11日发生军事政变,10多名高级军官声明不支持查韦斯政府,并将查韦斯总统扣押。A military coup took place on April 11 of this year in Venezuela. About a dozen high-ranking military officials declared they would not support the Chavez government and put President Chavez in custody.
- 乌戈·阿尼瓦尔·利亚诺斯·曼西利亚MANSILLA, Hugo Anibal Llanos
- 现任委内瑞拉总统查韦斯说人们需要去投票,安静的离开,然后等待结果.他预计将在下一界6年任期的大选中获胜.Incumbent Venezuela President Hugo Chevez says people need to vote, leave calmly and wait for the results. He has predicted victory in his bid for another6 years in office.
- 古巴电视台播放了这名80高龄的老人与委内瑞拉总统乌戈?韦斯会见的录像。Cuban TV showed a video of the80 year old meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
- 古巴电视台播放了这名80高龄的老人与委内瑞拉总统乌戈?查韦斯会见的录像。Cuban TV showed a video of the 80 year old meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
- 委内瑞拉总统乌戈?韦斯声称菲德尔?斯特罗正在奋力求生,并且他希望这位病弱的古巴的领导人能够再活80年。The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said Fidel Castro is battling for his life, but added he hoped the ailing Cuban leader would live for another80 years.
- 录影记录了29日卡斯特罗会晤委内瑞拉总统乌戈·韦斯的情景,当天正是卡斯特罗移交政权的6个月纪念日。Cuban state television showed a video of him meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez almost six months to the day after he temporarily gave up power.
- 斯潘塞·图尼奇组织的这次裸体摄影在加拉卡斯市中心的波利华大道举行,这里是总统乌戈·查韦斯的支持者们常常举行政治集会的地方。Spencer Tunick organized the Caracas photo shoot along downtown Avenida Bolivar, a frequent spot for political rallies by supporters of President Hugo Chavez.