- 乌克兰Ukraine
- 包饺子make dumplings
- 乌克兰人Ukrainian
- 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality.
- 乌克兰语Ukrainian
- 乌克兰的Ukrainian
- 肉馅饺子meat pocket
- 汤团,团子,饺子炖或煮制的小面团A small ball of dough cooked with stew or soup.
- 包饺子机dumpling maker
- 乌克兰营Ukrainian Battalion
- 夹肉馅的酥皮饺子meat scallop
- 乌克兰人说的塞而维克语。the Slavic language spoken in the Ukraine.
- 捏饺子make dumplings
- 乌克兰香肠Ukraine sausage
- 菜肉饺子Jiaozi Stuffed with Pork and Vegetables
- 乌克兰东北部城市;以前乌克兰的首府。a city in northeastern Ukraine; former capital of the Ukraine.
- 这饺子太咸了。These dumplings are too salty.
- 乌克兰环保部Ukrainian Ministry of Environmental Protection
- 我喜欢吃饺子。I like dumpling.
- 乌克兰独立宣言Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine