- 好了,百闻不如一尝。Well,eating is believing. The taste of the roast duck is in the eating.
- [谚]二鸟在林,不如一鸟在手;多得不如现得。A bird in the hand is worth two in the wood.
- 莎蓉 - 慕尔久闻他的大名,但约翰昵讨厌好莱坞那种“见肉就吃”的方式。Sharon Moore obviously expected him to come on very strong because of his reputation, but Johnny hated the Hollywood "piece of meat" approach.
- 布利克斯博士曾一语双关地说“芥子气是闻不到的,你只有用它才会知道它。”Dr. Blix has quipped that,quote,"Mustard gas is not (inaudible) You are supposed to know what you did with it.''
- 不如not equal to
- 久闻殿下是剑术高手。We hear that Your Highness is an expert swordsman.
- 耳闻不如一见,一见不如实验。Nothing is better than experiments.
- 我久闻你机敏过人。I'd always heard you were sharp.
- 我一见到这个人,惊骇得说不出话来,既不知道说什么好,也不知道怎么办好。I was struck dumb at the sight and knew neither what to say nor what to do.
- 我闻不出什麽。I cannot smell anything.
- 接触传染也不如一度认为的那样容易。Contagion is not so easy as once believed, either.
- 好极了,我们久闻其名了。That would be nice. We've heard so much about it.
- 不闻不理Neither care to inquire nor to hear
- 他说他的身体一天不如一天了。He said his health was slipping.
- 我不喜欢他。一见他我就不寒而栗。I don't like him. He gives me the shivers.
- 我就是闻不得这粉味儿。I hate the smell of powder.
- 久闻新西伯利亚有座科学城。I have long heard about the Science City of Novosibirsk.
- 一动不如一静。Go farther and fare worse.
- 我闻不出来。I have no sense of smell.
- 嗨,赖瑞!你要不要见一见我的室友莎莉?Hi, Larry! Would you like to meet my roommate, Sally?