- 久旱逢甘霖have a long-felt need satisfied
- 久旱逢甘雨have a long-felt need satisfied
- 久旱逢甘霖。Seasonable rain fell after a long drought.
- 久旱逢甘雨他乡遇故知To meet an old friend in distant land is like refreshing rain after a long drought
- 久旱逢甘霖, 他乡遇故知。To meet an old friend in a distant land is like refreshing rain after a long drought.
- 久(long) time
- 很久a month of Sundays
- 逢every time
- 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木旱逢春.A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first; the flowers and trees on the sunny side meet spring earlier.
- 很久以前langsyne
- 逢场作戏join in the spirit of the occasion
- 久的livelong
- 日久with the passing of time; in course of time
- 旱魃demon of drought
- 棋逢对手be well-matched in a contest
- 很久以后long after
- 恰逢at a time when
- 乾旱drought
- 久等kick one's heels
- 明天旱晨大概是个好天气。It ought to be a fine day tomorrow morning.