- 主考人须评阅150份试卷.The examiner had to mark 150 scripts.
- 主考人须评阅150份试卷。The examiner had to mark 150 scripts.
- 有较强个性的人须特别注意自身对软弱者所造成的影响。People with strong personalities should be very careful haw they exercise their influence over weaker people.
- 从一份试卷看语境的模糊性及其翻译On Fuzziness in a Text and its Translation
- 主考人希望你们尽可能发挥自己的最佳状态,并且会给你们一个充分讲话的机会。The examiner will want you to do as well as you can,and will provide you with the opportunity to speak at length.
- 波兰人polish
- 试卷送到校外主考人那里。The papers are sent to external examiners(= ones not connected with the students' school or college).
- 墨西哥人Mexican
- 职业经理人professional manager
- 校外主考人/评定人external examiners/assessors
- 我整个周末都在评阅试卷。I spent all weekend grading papers.
- 知人acquiring an understanding of men
- 须给予同量十份dis td X; disp td X; dispensetur tales doses decem
- 变性人transsexual person
- 主考人评定全部考生合格。The examiners passed all the candidates,ie decided that their work was of the required standard.
- 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。Men and birds are fain of climbing high.
- 须给予同量四份d.t.d.No. IV; dentur tales doses No.IV
- 主考人评定考生全部及格。The examiners passed all the candidates.
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 不负责任的人Gallio