- 主从JK触发器的一次变化问题Talking about one and only change of master-slave JK-FF
- 确定主从JK触发器次态的方法How to Determine the Next States of Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop
- 关于主从JK触发器二次变化的讨论Discussion on Secondary Change of Principal and Subordinate JK Trigger
- 主从JK触发器一次翻转问题的解决One Method to Solve the Problem of Linear Overturn of Master Slaver JK Triger
- 一次变化问题引出分析主从JK触发器简易法Simple Method to Determine the Next States of Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop Based on Analyzing Why the State Changes Only Once
- 确定非正常触发主从JK触发器次态的一种简单方法A Simple Method Determines the Next States of Master-Slave JK flip-flop Triggered Irregularly
- TTL主从JK触发器在CP脉冲升降沿的工作特性研究A research on the operating characterictics of TTLmaster-slave JK flip-flop in rise and fall edge of CP
- JK触发器jk flip flop
- 关于JK触发器的教学方法Efficient Ways of Teaching JK Flip- flop
- 主从切换Switching of Master to Slave
- 用自动图象分析得到JK夹杂物额定值Obtaining JK Inclusion Ratings Using Automatic Image Analysis
- 微处理机主从系统[计] microprocessor master/slave system
- 内部触发器internal trigger
- JK-008提取生物转化液浓缩母液中L-苯丙氨酸Extracting L-Phe from Concentrated Liquid of Biologically Transformed Broth by Using JK-008
- 网络通信量控制的主从模型On Leader-Follower Model of Traffic Rate Control for Networks
- 系统触发器System trigger
- UPS主从串联热备份供电方案UPS master- slave series connection and backup hot
- 过零触发器zero-crossing flip-flop
- 主从式柔性机械臂计算机控制系统The main-subsidiary computer control system of a flexible manipulator arm
- 晶闸管触发器Thyristor trigger