- 惩罚为辅take punishment as the auxiliary method
- 24至72小时内出现水泡破裂后形成溃疡浅表浅痛苦偶然为辅感染。Between 24 and 72 hours after their appearance vesicles rupture to form superficial shallow painful ulcers which occasionally become secondarily infected.
- 晋升为辅警警署警长Promotion to Station Sergeant Auxiliary
- 防病为主,治疗为辅。An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
- 而以道家思想与佛教思想为辅,其佛家思想又依附于道家思想之上。And Jiang Yan takes Taoism thought and Buddhism thought which attaches to the Taoism thought as auxiliary.
- 预防为主,治疗为辅An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- 选择合适的数学模型,及CMG公司GEM软件,以发展的虚拟井技术为辅;secondly, selecting the right mathematic model, a good software GEM from CMG company and developing virtual well technique;
- 课程设置:以英语为主、数学为辅。适当的体育、艺术、计算机、手工课程。WYA Curriculum: The main part of the curriculum includes English and Math courses, but we also have some PE, arts, computer and handicraft courses.
- 以自力更生为主,外援为辅rely mainly on one's own efforts while making external assistance subsidiary
- 以自力更生为主,外援为辅rely mainly on one's own efforts while making external assistance subsidiary
- 这种以图标按钮为主、菜单为辅的自然秩序,可以让独占式应用更加容易使用。The natural order of butcons as the primary idiom, with menus as a backup, makes sovereign applications much easier to use.
- 方法:为140例儿童慢性鼻窦炎患儿行药物和通畅引流为主、术为辅的综合治疗。Method: Combined modality therapy including drug, drainage and surgery was performed on140 children with chronic sinusitis.
- 自力更生为主,争取外援为辅rely mainly on one's own efforts while making external assistance subsidiary
- 自力更生为主、争取外援为辅的方针policy of relying mainly on our own efforts while seeking assistance from abroad; policy of enlisting foreign aid as a supplement to our own efforts
- 我们实行精神鼓励为主、物质鼓励为辅的方针。Our general policy is to place moral encouragement first, material incentives second.
- 太原地区城市绿化中应以树木为主草坪为辅The Urban Greening of Taiyuan Area should Take the Trees as the Dominant Factor and the Lawns as the Subordinate Factor
- 沿海居民,主要是从事农耕,渔业并盐业为辅。Residents along the coast are mainly engaged in farming, fishing and sometimes salt industry.
- 诗文"以理为主,气为辅"--试论吴澄的文学创作论The Creation of Poetry and Verse Depend Mainly on Reason, and "Qi" Secondarily--Try to talk about the theory of Wu Cheng's literary creation
- 德教为主刑法为辅--汉代思想家对治国方略的探讨Education in ethics is main, criminal law is supplementary--Thinkers inquired into general plan of managing state affairs in Han Dynasty