- 为什么你的心情这么好.Why are you in such a good mood.
- 看母亲心情这么好,我感觉她快要复元可以回家了。In light of her positive mood, I thought that mother would soon recover and return home.
- 我不明白你究竟在追逐什么如影相随守着这场灾祸为什么你不试着驯服那操纵你的绳索Now I wonder what it is you're after Keeping company with this disaster Why you never tried to tame your master
- 听会儿音乐会使你的心情愉快起来。A bit of music will cheer you up.
- 你的生意经营得很好,为什么你不大方点,捐点钱给我们社区呢。Your business is done very well, why don't you show a little charity and donate some money to our community.
- 如果她心情这么糟,也许我们不该再在附近逗留。If she is in such a bad mood, maybe we shouldn't stick around anymore.
- 我不明白天气这么好为什么你还呆在一个阴沉。I don't know why you stay in such a gloomy room all day when the weather is so beautiful.
- 能再次看到你的心情真好!How nice to feel your mood again!
- 到底发生了什么事?为什么你的脸色如此苍白,衣服也搞得不成样子?What on earth happened ?Why you look so pale and your clothes are in a frightful state ?
- 你的英文怎么能说得这么好?How can you speak such good English?
- 你的心情要舒畅而镇静。Your mood should be bland and phlegmatic
- 为什么你的鼻子是在脸的中间?Why is your nose in the middle of your face?
- 你如果与这些人交往就会损害你的好名声。You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people.
- 这就是为什么你在50米比赛中会看到比1500米比赛时更多的脊背,游泳衣/裤和肩膀的原因。That is why in a 50 m sprint, you can see more of the back, swim suit, and shoulders of a swimmer than in a 1500 m.
- 为什么你的图书馆充满了眼泪?America why are your libraries full of tears?
- 你的妻子和孩子,都这么好。”And your wife and child, so nice.
- 我知道你的心情。I know how you feel.
- 为什么你的影子可以固定在墙上?Why your shadow can be frozen onto the wall?
- 你对我这么好,我总有一天会报答你的。You've been so kind. I'll make it all up to you one day.
- 把你的心情记录下来。And write out your feelings.