- 使通国之人重足而立,侧目而视者,无过于此辈穷凶极恶之特务人员。Ordinary people everywhere recoil and turn away in fear from these fiendish brutes of agents.
- 一间车库位于房屋之侧。A garage flanked the house.
- 好自为之look out for yourself
- 目item
- 对面之侧[机] across
- 侧目而听To incline the ear and listen
- 你的新发明将使全世界为之注目。Your new invention will make the whole world sit up and take notice!
- 使人侧目To stick out like a sore thumb
- 他怕父母训斥,不敢为之。He dare not do it for fear of parental rebuke.
- 楼梯之侧板bridgeboard
- 那个年青人对那个价目侧目而视。The young man looked askance at the price.
- 他这个人很容易被得罪:你每说的一句话似乎都要为之计较。He is so easily rubbed up the wrong way; everything you say her seems to take offence at.
- 侧目窥视cast a sidelong glance at
- 今天获悉令堂逝世,使我为之震惊。遭此剧痛,自非言语所能慰籍。I was shocked to learn of the death of your mother today. I have no words to console you.
- 目录页之侧页Full Page Facing toc
- 侧目注视give a sidelong glance; look at sb. with a sidelong glance
- 奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢乐鼓舞。Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery.
- 对面;相反之侧On the opposite side; on the opposing side
- 令每个男人侧目Then Every Head Turned With Eyes
- 我为之深深感动。I am profoundly touched.