- 他原是学建筑的,中途改行搞地质了。At first he studied architecture, but later he switched to geology.
- 因为经济的原因或者厌恶老本行,很多人中途改行。A: A lot of people are changing careers in midlife, because of the economy and just plain boredom.
- 中途midway
- 在中途halfway
- 我猜测他会对改行经营后悔的。I hazard the conjecture that he will regret having changed his business.
- 中途停留stopover
- 史密斯叔叔在全国各地做过各式各样的工作,他是一个频频改行积不了财的人。Uncle Smith was a rolling stone that gathered no moss. He worked in different jobs all over the country.
- 中途的halfway
- 为了供着他那刁泼的妻子齐拉,他改行做了沥青房顶生意。He had gone into the tar-roofing business in order to support his shrewish wife, Zilla
- 中途退出fall by the wayside
- 船在中途掉转了航向。The ship turned about midway.
- 这女孩中途放弃。The girl gave up halfway.
- 中途口岸intermediate ports
- 我可以在中途在大坂下船吗?Can I break my journey at Osaka?
- 我可以在夏威夷中途停留吗?Can I break my journey at Hawaii?
- 中途不准停留。Never stop halfway.
- 她中途退出比赛。She has dropped out in the middle of the race.
- 我们中途可以顺便访问罗马。We may take Rome in our way.
- 我们是不著陆的连续飞行呢,还是要在中途的什麽地方停一停。Be this a continuous flight, or do we stop off anywhere.
- 中途下车stopover