- 中文有各种不同的方言。There are diverse dialects in the Chinese language.
- 中文有各种不同的方言.There are diverse dialects in the Chinese language.
- 这种用途的透镜有各种不同的名称:放大镜,简单放大镜或简单显微镜。The lens so used is referred to variously as a magnifying glass, a simple magnifier or a simple microscope.
- 美国人原是来自许多不同的国家,所以美国有各种不同的“可接受的”社会习俗。Americans trace their origins from many different countries that there is a wide range of "acceptable" social customs in America.
- 1782年,当时的国王拉玛给自己国家的首都取了一个冗长的名字,译成中文有41个汉字。In 1782,the king,Lama,gave a long name to the capital of his country. It would have 41 characters if it were translated into Chinese.
- 关于这个问题,有各种不同的议论。Opinions differ on this question.
- 另一方面,以象形文字为基础的中文有其独特性,而研究也显示学习中文能够训练脑部的左右两边,从而增强逻辑思考和智力!On the other hand,the pictogram-based Chinese language is unique and there are studies that show the study of Chinese trains both the left and right sides of the brain and enhances logical reasoning and intelligence!
- 这本书上有各种不同的食谱。The book contains very varied recipes.
- 现在有各种“鬼”,可能有这样一种丧失信心的“鬼”。There are "ghosts" of various descriptions,one of which may be the "ghost" that causes us to lose confidence.
- 各种不同的方法a great diversity of methods
- 无论遇到甚么景况,社会上有不同的途径可给予长者情感上的支持。Different channels are available in the community to provide emotional support to elders when needed.
- 语言有各种方言,鸟类的歌唱也有各种地方调。Dialects occur in birdsong as well as in speech.
- 我们的报纸尽量反映各种不同的意见。Our newspapers try to cater for all opinions.
- 从这儿去车站有各种不同走法。There are various ways of getting to the station.
- 植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.
- 塑料易于加成各种不同的形状。Plastics are easy to be made into different shapes .
- 图书馆里有各种不同种类的书籍。There are different categories of books in a library.
- 各种不同的all sorts of
- 世界上有各种不同的人。There are a wide variety of people on the earth.
- 你能区分出正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗?Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now?