- 中心heart
- 定to set
- 回波模拟器在雷达高度计地面测试和定标中的应用Application of Return Signal Simulator in Radar Altimeter Ground-based Test and Calibration
- 化to make into
- 广义Schur代数之间的比较和双中心化性质Comparing Generalized Schur Algebras and the Double Centeralizer Property
- 标prize
- 评标和定标judge and order signs
- 最小化minimum
- 中心化centralization
- 固体超强酸SO_4~(2-)/ZrO_2催化正烷烃异构化和裂解反应机理的研究Mechanism of Isomerization and Cracking of n -alkane on Superacid of SOr/ZrO_2 Type
- 熟悉RF 测试环境设计和定标。Familiar with the RF test environment design and calibration.
- 反中心化:后现代主义哲学的总体特征Anti-centralization: Overall Characteristic of Post-modernist Philosophy
- (化和形式)指示放射或放射能的。(combining form) indicating radiation or radioactivity.
- 螺线管磁场测试仪中心磁场测量的不确定度评定和仪器定标Uncertainty of measuring center magnetic field of solenoid field measurement instrument and scaling of the apparatus
- 深化实验室体制改革构建中心化管理模式Deepening Laboratory System Reformed and Constructs Centralization Management Mode
- 使用结构化和非结构化异常处理可以防止潜在的错误干扰您的应用程序。Use structured and unstructured exception handling to prevent potential errors from interfering with your application.
- 用控制实验室条件下的限幅和定标法评定无面刚性闭室塑料泡末的热阻抗长期变化的标准试验方法Standard Test Method for Estimating the Long-Term Change in the Thermal Resistance of Unfaced Rigid Closed Cell Plastic Foams by Slicing and Scaling Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions
- 铁路集装箱内陆港物流中心化的相关问题研究A Study on Relevant Problems of Logistic Centralization in Inland Railway Container Port
- 超越国家:行政程序法的欧洲化和全球化Beyond the State: the Europeanization and Globalization of Procedural Administrative Law
- 系统可以连接电脑工作也可以单独工作,内用G-M(盖革)记数管和定标/定时器组成,有样品盘和11片放射吸收片。The system may be used with or without a computer and consists of a 6-decade scaler/timer with built-in Geiger-Mueller counter, sample positioning tray and 11- piece radiation absorber set.