- 王国kingdom
- 中山middle mountains
- 中山公园Chong Shan Park
- 王国的regnal
- 中山纪念堂Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hall
- 那个王国濒临毁灭。The kingdom was in the suburbs of destruction.
- "重新站在我的王国的土地上,我激动得流泪了。""I weep for joy to stand upon my kingdom once again."
- 中山先生精通机械工程学的里里外外。Mr. Nakayama knows the ins and outs of mechanical engineering.
- 王国的统治者称作国王。The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king.
- 中山舰Zhongshan Warship
- 荷兰王国Holland
- 中山服Sun Yat Sen suit
- 仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国A realm of imagination or fantasy.
- 中山楼Chung Shan Building
- 统治一个小王国reign over a small kingdom
- 中山国Zhongshan State
- 王国的土地land owned by the Crown
- 仙境美妙的想像中的王国A marvelous imaginary realm.
- 中山柏Cupressus lusitanica 'zhongshan' Mill