- 尊to honor
- 中国结Chinese knot
- 中国电信China Telecom
- 至尊ace
- 中国话Chinese
- 中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China
- 男尊女卑Man is superior to woman
- 我是中国人I'm from China.
- 中国民航General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC)
- 中国建设银行China Construction Bank
- 本尊honzon
- 中国功夫chinese kungfu
- 尊卑precedence
- 中国人民大学People's University of China
- 柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。The column is surmounted by a statue.
- 中国通old China hand
- 天尊celestial worthy
- 中国地图map of China
- 中国特色distinct Chinese characteristics
- 中国制造Made in China