- 中国宽带互联网的主要业务Major Services Provided Over CHINANET
- 中国宽带业务市场China's Broadband Services Market
- 宽带互联网的发展前景Future Prospects for Broadband Networks
- 中国宽带接入设备市场China's Broadband Access Equipment Market
- 宽带互联网技术在科技企业孵化器中的应用Application of broad band internet technology to the incubators--scientific and technological enterprises
- 中国宽带接入市场快速发展China Broadband Access Market Enjoys Rapid Growth
- 首先,您家里需要有高速互联网或者宽带互联网服务。You must have high-speed Internet access, and a router.
- 中国结Chinese knot
- 中国电信China Telecom
- 中国话Chinese
- 自那时起,他的研究就扩展到了网路未覆盖地区宽带互联网接入的开发领域。His research has since evolved to develop broadband Internet access to underserved areas.
- 中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China
- 我是中国人I'm from China.
- 中国民航General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC)
- 中国建设银行China Construction Bank
- 多出口并行,从而使用户既可以合理利用现有教育科研网资源,又可以利用本地ISP宽带互联网高速上网.With the multi-outlet,the campus users not only can make full useof the resource of CERNET but also can access the CHINANET in high speed.
- 中国功夫chinese kungfu
- 中国人民大学People's University of China
- 中国通old China hand
- 中国地图map of China