- 中国五大经济特区保持强劲经济增长势头China's five large special economic zones maintain strong economic growth momentum
- 每年的四院戏剧比赛及中大剧社周年公演为校园盛事。The annual events in this category are the Inter-Collegiate Competitions and the Chinese University Student Union Drama Society Annual Production.
- 五大five supremacies
- 没有太多的关系,而是一种占有,信任伙伴能够削弱了双子的信心自己的可靠性,这是从来没有那么大剧。But one too many failed relationships with a possessive, mistrustful partner can erode a Gemini's confidence in her own reliability, which is never that great to begin with.
- 中国企业家的五大软肋The five soft ribs of the Chinese entrepreneur
- 历史久远的中国五大铜殿The Long History of China Five Copper Palaces
- (英国传统的)五大赛马classic races
- 英国五大陶瓷名城Five Towns
- 连续五大for five days running
- 全球五大唱片集团高唱大中国Five big record companies sing loudly Great China
- "后来,他还要我在五大事务所的公司介绍中作一个比较。Later he asked me to make a comparison between the big five presentation.
- 五大项five
- 中共五大The 5th National Congress of the CPC
- 五大目标five aims
- 五大要素five elements
- 五大定律five great law
- 五大精神five great spirits
- 五大文明five greatest civilizations
- 五大题型five major CET- 4 writing types
- 五大地区five major regions