- 聚焦总裁杂志,聚焦总裁电视栏目,中国总裁网,菁英网,东方早报,东方电视台,新浪网,瞭望东方周刊,奢侈品,澳洲游艇,中华宝艇杂志,高尔夫宝艇等Focus On CEO TV Channel. Focus On CEO Manazine. China CEO Website, Elite Union, Orient TV. Orient Daily. Sina. Com, Australia Yacht, Golf Yacht, China Yachting. Luxury Magazine
- 螺snail
- 螺杆screw
- 我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百忙中光临的。期待您的到来。I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 螺柱double-screw bolt
- 青岛华宝制针有限公司。Qingdao HB Needles Manufacture Co., Ltd.
- 在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。He have treble his income during the last few years.
- 螺孔screw
- 华宝兴业基金管理有限公司Fortune SGAM Fund Management Co., Ltd
- 她与公司中的那些上级主管合作愉快。She work well with those superior to her in the firm.
- 瑞银华宝亚洲有限公司北京代表处UBS Warburg Asia Limited Beijing Representative Office
- 螺塞plug screw
- 在过去的20年中,中国发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place in China in the last twenty years.
- 瑞银华宝亚洲有限公司上海代表处UBS Warburg Asia Limited Shanghai Representative Office
- 如果他把精力更多地投入到工作中,他就会得到更好的结果。If he put more effort into his work, he'd see better results.
- 螺杆泵screw pump
- 我对公司中这种放松的氛围感到很熟悉。I am familiar with the casual atmosphere in the company.
- 底线是市场已加紧做好事,说:"扬斯图亚特能源经济学家瑞银华宝。The bottom line is the market has tightened up for good," said Jan Stuart, an energy economist at UBS.
- 螺牙thread